Thursday, September 26, 2013


                  When people here this for the first time it generally confuses them. How can anti-racist be against anyone, its all about equality right? Lets take a look at what makes something anti-racist.

  • The NAACP (national association of advancement of colored people) is anti-racist because it because it is supporting black people, and only black people. Because anti-racist is code word for anti-white. 
  • The United Negro College Fund is anti-racist because it supports the education of black students and only black students. Because anti-racist is code word for anti white.
  • The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) is anti-racist because it helps defend Jewish people. Because anti-racist is code word for anti white.
  • On collage campuses you have support groups for minority's, because that's anti-racist. The White Student Union that has recently created has sparked allot of controversy, being called racist. Because anti-racist is code word for anti white.   
  • Affirmative action is anti-racist because it helps everyone except whites. Because anti-racist is code word for anti-white.  
  • Being proud of your race proud of your race is anti-racist as long as your not white. (ex. black pride, Asian pride) Because anti-racist is code word for anti-white.
According to modern day ideology anything that is pro white is inherently racist. Everything that is anti-racist either excludes white people or takes something away from us to give to another group of people. Because anti-racist is code word for anti-white.